Friday 30 November 2007


I have been putting off writing this particular blog for awhile now because I am very embarrassed about what I have to say, but figure this is a good opportunity to tell the whole story, and hopefully minimize the amount of times I have to talk about it! So! That being said.... Hanoi did not go as planned! The purpose of the trip was to get our visas stamped again entering the country, and the task was completed successfully, but that is about the only thing! When we were deciding where to go we were looking into Thailand and Cambodia first because you don't need Visas and they are fairly close. Then deciding that due to the rainy season and flooding there we would rather not chance that sort of vacation so, "Hey! Let's go to Vietnam!" We were both very excited about this prospect, neither of us having been before. So we went to about ten different websites that sell tickets, hotel, packages etc. to Vietnam, almost every single one was a dead end, so finally we called a travel agent. I personally talked to this woman and figured out all the arrangements over the phone for about 25 minutes. At this point, I'd like to say, it would have been nice if one of the websites mentioned, or the TRavel Agent mentioned that one needs a Visa to go into Vietnam (Even though all the other surrounding countries don't require one)! One website did mention Visas, but said you don't need one if you are only going there for less than 15 days. Apparently that rule doesn't apply to me or Norman though!
So after a grueling day of flying we got into Hanoi about 11:30pm, because, of course, it was delayed. We get up to the customs window and I'm saying, "Wow! I can't believe I'm in Vietnam!" When the guy looks at my passport and sends me to the customs office. We started talking to a customs official about it, who understands the situation, says it happens, tells us we can still get in, we just have to basically post bond with our airline official (bribe), and we it will all be sweet. He gets the airline official. The guy had the choice to help us or not basically, and he choose to not. He misrepresented himself and didn't explain to us anything. Meanwhile, they have confiscated our passports and tickets, and we realize this man who was sent to help us is leading us to the waiting area of the airport and is just to leave us there claiming he would come back at 9am for us! The conversation that followed got pretty nasty, I was beginning to think Norman is going to knock this guy out and we are going to be sitting in a Vietnamese prison all night! Actually, at that point, that scenario was almost appealing, considering it would have been a much better story than "We got deported because we're idiots without visas!" But in any case, Norm didn't knock the guy out, who really was SUCH a complete Dick! We probably could've worked it all out with a call to our travel agent at least, but our phones didn't work there, there was no internet..... Well, it gets worse. So we quickly discover that the one little restaurant they have is closed, there is no bar, and they turn out the lights, and we are stuck all alone in a dark airport with maybe 2 security guards for the next 9 hours until we get deported! One security guard told us to go us to the restaurant where there are long benches we could sleep on. So we go there, and we start watching a DVD on a computer, and then one of the security guards comes up with an empty bag and loots the joint, leaving with 2 bags full of ???? I guess food, liquor, who knows! She hops back over the bar and leaves. Another security guard comes and does the same thing! Then they are gone. And I see my first rat. And it's big. And it's about 5 feet away. So we move to the middle, away from the benches and bar, take a few chairs and push them together to make a little bed. I fell asleep. Norm almost fell asleep, but then he saw o rat move under my chair, and another one staring at us a few feet away. So Norman got no sleep, spent the whole night up scaring off the rats. He said he saw about 9. And they were big too. So the next morning, no one came to get us. We found the flight we were supposed to be on and they had our passports and tickets, and we are out on the first plane back to China. We fly into Guangzhou and go to book are flight back to Shanghai from there, and they tell us the airport is closed because of 'lack of visibility.' We spend the whole day in the airport. Finally get on a flight, it is delayed. We get back home about 10pm that night. I figured out we spent 28 hours in airports and 6 in flight. Our home has never felt so good! Shanghai felt like home too, and it was such a relief to be back in such a civilized, safe country! :) It was the trip from hell. Absolutely horrible. And it keeps getting worse every time someone says, "How was Vietnam?" and we sound like idiots! While we both accept responsibility, I have to say, the thought never passed my mind. I put blame on the travel agent, Norman blames Andy Vinning. Either way, I'm sure it will turn into a hilarious tale to tell someday after the disappointment and humiliation fade away! Lesson learned, won't make that one again! So there you have it. A very honest account of Hanoi. Maybe we'll try again sometime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh just catching up on all of your adventures. sounds like you are really getting into the swing of things. i love that you are playing guitar and dancing and taking tai chi. miss ya doll.
love gabby