Monday 9 June 2008

Is it June already? :)

Hey there! Sorry, I know it has been awhile! My apologies! Jumping right back in...
So Norman is an International Male Model now! He did one campaign for friends of ours when we first arrived as a boxing coach, and just did his second job for China Telecom! This one is a big print campaign that will be all over Beijing during the Olympics! I saw an ad on Craigslist and submitted him and he got it! They said they want to use him more too! I just got word I booked a commercial for the Olympics! I suspect it will only air here in China, but hopefully I can get a copy and put it on youtube or something! I am also working at a party this coming Saturday as a Mod dancer with a friend of mine, which should be fun!

So when Norm and I aren't modeling (haha) we have been working very hard getting this club thing going. Should get the keys this week, everything there has gone great! We are looking at a late Oct/Nov. opening. In the meantime we've taken on another project. Our friend is the landlord of this newly renovated building and there are essentially 2 rooms that connect. One will be all for seating, the other has the bar where we will specialize as a wine bar, but it is open during the day as a healthy/premade food store/delivery service. Between us and another partner we have all the connections to bang this out pretty fast and the area/customer base is very much there, so that is exciting news!

The weather has been lovely here for the most part, but we have seen a lot of showers lately. Have been attending and participating in a lot of benefits for the earthquake victims. A Chinese girl friend of mine went there to help out and said that the survivors she encountered were being fairly positive and optimistic about things.

Our friends Scotty and Sylvia came for visit, which was very nice! Met some interesting people through them as well. I got in the paper again for my 'dance credentials,' I know you are as surprised as I am, but when it came down to it I actually had a lot to say! And, if I may add, I have over 300 people in my fan club now! Unbelievable! I'm pretty impressed by that in fact!

If you are interested here is a link to the myspace page for the club:

and also, I'm happy to say I discovered myself on IMDB the other day, here is that link:

And then of course, the big news, which most of you know... Norman and I got married! It is a lovely, crazy story and if anyone is interested I have the whole thing written out and would be happy to share. I've been debating a bit about making it public, since in this day and age me putting it up here means anyone anywhere can read it and it is such a personal thing... but ultimately I've (obviously) decided for it! I think I got pushed over when a guy I had given one of my new fancy cards to called and asked me on a date! I awkwardly said, "No, I'm sorry, my husband and I are very busy this week!" haha! Thank you to everyone who has given us their kind blessing! I am truly touched, even burst into tears after receiving a card today from my grandparents! Oh! And none of this Mrs. Gosney stuff please! Mrs. Amelia is as far as I can take that one and I have no plans to change my name! Married life is lovely by the way! More soon! Love always, Amelia

Ps... I posted this earlier today and just came back to edit some opinions that I decided I'm better off not publishing. Sorry, they were good, maybe in a personal email if anyone if interested, I'd be happy to share! xx

1 comment:

Tedi said...

Congrats on your union. I'm so very happy for the both of you. Would love to hear the story too...
Going camping and kayaking in Maine for 4th of July weekend. Haven't been in a tent since I was, um, 11? I'm hoping to see a whale while on the water but I'm just setting myself up for disappointment. Haha.
From one east coast to another, keep me posted on the latest :)