Monday 10 March 2008

The latest....

Today I have been slightly traumatized because a girl riding her bike in front of me went down. I'm not sure what happened, but the poor thing! I stopped and traffic stopped and there was blood. When I left she was up and it looked like some nice people were going to get her to a doctors or something, but it left a terrible feeling with me. It looked like her leg got caught maybe, because her feet never came out to help break the fall. Whoa. Glad it wasn't me, but definitely makes you think!

So Bjork was here in Shanghai the other night! Put on a good show, all female horn-section, but she seemed tired. She did a song called 'Declare Independence' and used those lines along with 'Tibet' and is now being investigated by the government for 'upsetting' so many people etc.

One of our backers has gotten us the hook up at the location we want and tomorrow is a big meeting with her and the head guy of the building, so keep your fingers crossed, but it looks promising!!!!

I've been writing a lot lately, doing the whole 'morning pages' again, which is great. Joey's teaching me guitar, and I am calculating my next strategic moves. Everything is coming along nicely though!

This last weekend we went to 5 parties over 4 days and 2 art openings! Pretty crazy! Lots of fun, and very refreshing the friendships we've made here. Though I do have the occasional bad day when I seriously miss my parents and a few particular people from the states. Norm and some friends threw a "International Gentleman Douchebag's" party at a small Japanese whiskey bar on Thursday which was a big success. I've been making a lot of clothes and hats lately. Just made a second trip to the fabric market and got a dress made, bra made, blouse taken in, and a purse made for less than $50 US dollars! I'll put up some new pics on my flickr site soon!

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