Wednesday, 16 April 2008

The Miss Amelia Fan Club Newsletter

(You can join the club on facebook!)

Hi there! Thank you so much for being a part of The Miss Amelia Fan Club! As the group has just reached 200, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you about what is happening over here!

Our site for the club, Gosney and Kallman's "CHINATOWN" has been promised to be in our hands by the first week in MAY! It is an incredible, magical site! Built in 1931 by a famous Japanese designer, as a "Nishi Honganji," which is a Japanese, "friendly society" meeting hall, in the style of Hindu architecture with an allusion to the "Chaitya" Hall.... !!!!!

THAT being said, it is like no other building in Shanghai (Or in the World for that matter!) and looks like it was built just for us!

We suspect we will open the week after the October holiday, but might not announce the opening, only letting our friends (and of course Fan Club members!) in first.... Our website is also being built at the moment, will let you know when that is up.

There is already an incredible international buzz about this place! Look for mentions in May's "That's Shanghai," "RACK" magazine, as well as "TALK "magazine!

Lastly, I wanted to mention that the famous Frank Bray is in town and will be singing with the Big Band at JZ THIS Saturday night! Frank is the incredibly talented singer from our show and I really hope you will take this opportunity to check him out!

Hope you are all well! Thanks for your support!
Your very own,
Miss Amelia Kallman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.