Wednesday, 25 July 2007

My nickname....

I got a nickname now, and people are now introducing me as Virginia Slim, or Slim for short! Haha! I have to say, it's catchy! So it looks like I'm not going to the "summer camp" until Friday now. Thursday night we have been invited to a masquarade ball being thrown by a friend of mine for 4 fashion designers....Alan Cummings will be there, who knows ME, but I've never met him! (I did have his autographed picture hanging above my bed for many years though! I guess you could call me a fan!) So that's exciting for me! Been going to this park everyday, exercising, playing with this gorgeous dog, and tonight to a 'Crazy Girls" show, and tonight might be the night I meet Norman's sister (whose birthday is next week along with mine!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Amelia. Don't hate on blogs. Take lots of pics, and given where you are and what you're doing- there could be a memoir out based on The Adventures of Miss Amelia Kallman when you're done!

All the best. Big kisses from your old fogie friends, Sari and Mark.